The Dark Side of Success: Unleashing the Benefits of Dark Chocolate for High-Performing Professionals

Out of all the endless strategies and hacks for maximizing productivity and achieving peak performance, there’s one seductive ally which often gets overlooked – the irresistible allure of dark chocolate.
Once considered a mere guilty pleasure, dark chocolate is emerging as a powerful tool for enhancing both personal and professional success. Picture yourself in a realm where energy abounds, focus sharpens, creativity flourishes, and stress melts away, in your mouth… all thanks to the tantalizing properties hidden within the depths of a cocoa bean.
According to a 2007 study by psychologist David Lewis, letting chocolate dissolve slowly in your mouth produces as big an increase in brain activity and heart rate as a passionate kiss—but the effects of the chocolate last four times longer.
'Letting chocolate dissolve slowly in your mouth produces as big an increase in brain activity and heart rate as a passionate kiss—but the effects of the chocolate last four times longer.'

Native to the Amazon, Theobroma Cacao contains natural stimulants that play a key role in giving you that amazing and lasting feeling you get when having chocolate. Ancient Meso-Americans swore by it, in the form of a beverage, for its lasting effects on energy, vigour, physical stamina, and creativity.
Here, we’ll be exploring the secrets of dark chocolate and uncovering the remarkable ways it could help you at work and beyond.

Increased alertness
Dark chocolate contains small amounts of caffeine (less than in tea or coffee), as well as theobromine, which can help improve alertness and concentration. They stimulate the central nervous system, promoting wakefulness and mental focus. While the caffeine blocks adenosine receptors, which can help reduce drowsiness, theobromine stimulates the heart and dilates blood vessels, improving blood flow and oxygen delivered to your brain.

Mood Enhancement and Stress Reduction
Dark chocolate stimulates the release of endorphins and dopamine, some of the ‘feel-good’ hormones in the brain, improving mood, and increasing motivation. It also contains other mood-boosting compounds like anandamide (pronounced an-an-da-mide), which can bind to cannabinoid receptors in the brain, like marijuana, creating a relaxing and soothing effect. The unique combination of these bioactive compounds can contribute to better mood, reducing stress, and enhancing productivity and creativity. So, indulging in a square of dark chocolate can be a delightful way to uplift your spirits and enhance your mood naturally.

Improved Cognitive Function
The flavonoids (type of antioxidants), found in dark chocolate have been linked to improved cognitive function, including memory, attention span, and problem-solving abilities. They protect your brain from free-radicals which damage your cells and DNA. They have anti-inflammatory properties, and may enhance blood flow to the brain, promoting neuroplasticity and supporting optimal brain performance.

Energy Boost
Dark chocolate contains complex carbohydrates, which are digested more slowly, providing a sustained release of energy over time. Pairing this with moderate amounts of caffeine and theobromine, also naturally found in chocolate, makes this an excellent choice for maintaining steadier, lasting focus and energy levels to tackle your tasks.
The one catch – it’s bitter!
Chocolate (cacao), by nature, is bitter. To make it more palatable milk and sugar are often added, and to make it more cost effective to produce, most chocolate is also highly refined, meaning much of the nutrients and benefits of the cocoa are lost along the way.
While these ingredients offset the bitterness, they also reverse its positive effects, making you more prone to sugar-lows, acne, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and other poor health.
The Best Chocolate for Performance
Generally, it’s more likely you will be able to enjoy the benefits if you have chocolate that’s 70% cocoa content or higher. Please read the ingredients on the back of the pack. The best chocolate for performance should contain simply cocoa, cocoa butter, cocoa solids, small amount of sugar, and, optionally, vanilla.
Another option could be a strong, dark cacao drink made with either ceremonial cacao or a cacao powder, mixed with hot water and a (healthy) sweetener of your choice.
Hint: Just like with most products, the closer the chocolate is made to its source (cacao source), and the more recently it was made, the better it will taste and work.
Hint: Just like with most products, the closer the chocolate is made to its source (cacao source), and the more recently it was made, the better it will taste and work.
Join the dark side and tap into all the benefits of chocolate. Try opting for dark chocolate with cocoa content of 70% or higher, steering clear of sugar-laden impostors. Whether you savour a velvety square or indulge in a warm cup of ceremonial cacao, let the bitter sweetness of dark chocolate be your ally. It may just be a reason for your performance reaching new heights.